An Apple a day....

....keeps me away from what I should be doing!   

This past week I have been busy figuring out the workings of our new computer.   It is quite a change but I must say I really like it so far.   Installing, uploading and downloading, everything is just so easy!

The thing I was dreading most was having to go without my old photo editing program.  I could ' read and write'  with it as we say in Dutch.   After two days of playing with the editing options for our new computer, I found a free app which is very similar to my old editing program, hurray!

Of course I managed to lose my photos several times before I figured out how to save them correctly and in a way so they can be uploaded to blogger.   Below are a few photos I worked on this week and managed to save correctly ;-)

While the glue is drying on the wall panels I repaired, it is time for a tea break!

The beautiful tortoiseshell tea caddy was made by Keith Bougourd of Small-Time.

In my old files I found a wonderful  photo of an Aubusson carpet which looked like it would be perfect for the blue room.  I have been playing with it in my editing program to get a better definition and colour, and I tried to come up with a way to print an A3 size on my own printer.  

The trial print I did on fabric turned out pretty good, even though it is only an A4 size and not the A3 I want eventually.  The small size did look rather nice in my other dolls house though!

While I was changing things around I also put the armchair I had made for my Christmas House into this room.  I quite like it here so I think I will let it stay.

While I was getting to know my new computer,  I discovered that my main website:
looks totally different on a Mac than in Windows.   I never knew that!  I have tried to update all pages so that Mac users can also see a presentable website.   I hope you like it!


  1. Can I come and have a cuppa? It all looks so inviting!!! Looks like you solved your paper problem in that glimpse you showed us in the first photo, looking forward to hear how you solved your problem in the end.

    Mmmh, I see thread, scissors, etc but no petit point or something that is being worked on?

    1. Haha yes I know, there should be some sewing project there. I should get something started but knowing me that will take another couple of years...

  2. Replies
    1. Yes I used some wider mount board with a bit of moulding around the existing wallpaper. I'll show it better next week. I was just so busy trying to get to know the computer I didn't spend much time working on the house...

      I just noticed it looks a bit crooked though!! I'd better check if that is just the photo or if it really is glued on crooked...It could be the clamps pushed it away a bit when the glue was still wet. Hmmm.... Tomorrow in daylight I will check it and maybe I will have to get the knife out AGAIN!

  3. You sure are fearless going from a PC to a Mac. Though I hear they are much easier to deal with.

    The photos are just gorgeous. I love your new rug, it is perfect with the fabric on your upholstered pieces and with the wallpaper in that room.

    I still cannot find the red sizing in the USA for the gold leaf. ;-(

    1. Catherine it is such a relief to work with something as simple as this! Plug it in and it works! Plug in the printer...three seconds later, it works! Plug in the camera...three seconds later, it works! Etc. No complicated downloading from disks which never do what it says in the accompanying manual, no frustration...

      Of course you have to get used to working with it because it really is different from all of the Microsoft stuff, but that is easy enough. I just google any questions I have and the answer is always out there.

      Yes sorry about the info on the gold size. I will look it up, I promise! In the mean time, you could try red bole clay and gold size separately or paint the base red and follow with a transparent gold size.

    2. PS: about the Mac again...the quality of the pictures seen on the Mac screen is fabulous!

  4. The more I looked at your photos, Josge,the more I wanted to look. You have a splendid collection of everything. Your rose chair is fabulous and I also love it very much in that room. That carpet is gorgeous! All in all, it's a very cozy room!

    1. Thank You Lucille! I always feel in this room the overall look still isn't right. I think the pink chair helps the room give more of a cosy atmosphere.

  5. Josje! You are amazing!! I am totally in love with the rooms above. The blues are perfect in every way! You are really making me think more about my house project when I'm trying to cencentrate on the theatre LOL
    The thing I love the most is the tiny detail. I am never patient enough to wait for that point. You're an inspiration my dear...

    1. Well I would love to see you back at work on your house as that was just gorgeous, but I am also really enjoying watching the stages of development (excuse the pun!) on your theatre!
      Sorry for being so late with my answer!

  6. Hi Josje,

    I love a Mac!! I have been using a mac laptop for about 2 years and I think it's my favourite possession ( next to my doll house of course). It is so easy to use and so many apps and gadgets that go with it. I loved it so much i recently bought an imac as the family base computer and my son uses it to edit his media films, they are so built for that.

    It looks like you have it all working well, the photos look fabulous, but yours always do. The rug is superb and looks divine in the room, as Lucille said, I always want to keep looking in your photographs, there is so much detail I don't want to miss a thing. I don't know if I mentioned before I had so much fun printing on fabric from your tutorial. I hand died some linen then did some drawings, copied them onto the mac and printed them on and the result was lovely. I can't wait to use the technique in miniature.
    I had a look at your website just now and I didn't realise it looked different for macs, it always looks beautiful to me.

    Good luck with your walls, they are looking great so far.

    ML Fi xx

    1. Hi Fi! Sorry I am so late with my response here, but you know how it goes, real life gets very busy sometimes. The Mac is beautiful to work with although it takes a bit of getting used to. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of my photo editing, saving and filing, but I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on it yet.

      Yes things do look different on a Mac compare to a pc. The fonts are different, spacing and placing is slightly different, etc. Now I am sure that also has to do with my limited skills as a web designer...haha! But within my capabilities I get very particular about layout etc. so it can be quite frustrating when things don't look the way I had intended them to look. I now work on my website with my Mac, but with a regular laptop next to it so I can check if it looks more or less similar on both. I know, slightly mad... ;-)))))

  7. Oh Josje I am blown away by the pics of your room, I want it in real life (plus the rest of the house to go with it). Your furnishings are amazing, so realistic, love the sofa and the pink chair. I printed a lovely pale blue aubusson a couple of years ago, on linen but had to solve the fraying problem, have to try stabiliser on the back. What did you print on?
    I worked on Macs when in publishing, my partner still thinks they are the best when it comes to visuals, printing etc, they have so far been used exclusively in the graphics and printing industries, here at least. I have gotten used to using the PC, which suits my purposes for now. Look forward to more pics.

    1. Hi Margaret! Sorry I am so late in responding, but thank you for a lovely comment. The prints I did for the carpet were just test prints so I din't prepare the fabric in any special way. But I used FrayStay on one carpet after I printed it, let it dry and then just cut a nice edge to it. You have to be very careful with this as the ink may bleed when doing this. You could try putting on some FrayStay before printing, although I don't know if the ink will take the same way to the treated and untreated fabric. You could try some kind of glue on the back as well. Hmmm, now that I am writing this I am thinking I should do a test sheet with different stabilizers on the back, to see what happens to the ink and the fabric....

      The other carpet in the more detailed photos is printed on a pre-treated fabric from Crafter's Images Photo Fabric. The edges didn't fray (unlike with their silks, which are a nightmare to remove the backing from, destroying the edges in the process...)so I just turned them under, ironed and glued them in place. If I would do the final piece I would probably sew the edges as that would eliminated the problem with eventual staining.

  8. Wow, Josje, your photos ARE inspiring! Obviously, I just 'click and post' but you are forcing me to 'up my game.' We're thinking about getting a Mac, too, so thanks for the plug. Your house looks DELICIOUS!!! The rug! The chair! The details! I want to devour them!

    1. Ah thank you John! Sorry for my late response! If you ever visit me I will feed you lots of yummy things first before I show you my dollshouse, haha!

      Your house already looks fabulous with the click and post photos, which shows you are very talented in all things visual. When you get your Mac you will see what I mean about photos looking just stunning on it, you will only appreciate the difference when you see it yourself. But as I said, it does take a little getting used to as it is, well, just a different system. But 100% worth the effort!

  9. Josje, your work is stunningly remarkable. I've never seen such exquisite worlds created. They look so utterly real that when the clamps were visible in the shot, THEY looked out of scale! HA! Unbelievable.

    1. Hi Shelley! Sorry for my very late response, but you know, life...
      I was thinking about your comment and about the world you are creating which, to my mind is totally enchanting and moving (emotionally I mean). Visually such opposite worlds, mine is so structured and quite rigid, yours looks organic and flowing.
      I have also been thinking about your fish yes, I do read the comments ;-) I must say I find it quite a scary undertaking as it is something so completely different from what I normally do. But if you don't need it in the next few months, I would love to have a go at making a fish for your underwater scene! I will email you about it later this week.

  10. Foto bellissime!!! Mi piace tantissimo la poltrona rossa!!! Meravigliosa!

  11. Oh these pictures are so inspiring! Glad you were able to save, and share them---

    1. Thank you Linda! Yes somehow after editing my photos I had deleted them...but it is all helping me to figure out this new system so I suppose it was a good thing this happened!

  12. Voor mij ook niks anders meer dan een Mac hihi
    Mijn zoons waren al helemaal "Mac" en hebben me een paar jaar geleden overgehaald, maar al heel snel kwam ik erachter dat ik niks anders meer wil.
    Het zijn weer prachtige plaatjes geworden

    Liefs Sylvia

    1. Dank je Sylvia! Ja wat een verschil toch met zo'n Mac! We zeiden hier ook al meteen, nooit meer iets anders (nou ja, tenzij er iets veel beters komt natuurlijk ;-)

  13. Hello Josje,
    The room looks so beautiful. i love the tea caddy and the carpet is just gorgeous. The detail is pretty good. I'm glad you were able to repair the whole in the wall. on the pictures it looks good.
    Big hug,

    1. The carpet turned out quite good even though the original photo was just a small one. Now I want to try and get it bigger, A4 size to fit the blue room. I have a few ideas of how to do this...
      Ah, the wall, well I noticed yesterday that the panel was glued on crooked so I have to redo that again!

  14. At the risk of repeating John - I find your pictures very inspiring too and I love the tea caddy. It was the first thing my eye went to in your first pic. What a lovely item.

    I always love to see your room pics - I get so many ideas from them!

    1. I feel quite honoured my pictures are an inspiration to people like you and John! Thank you Irene!

  15. Hello Josje!
    These are amazing photographs! The rug you made looks perfect with everything. I love the combination of patterns and color you chose, which makes this room look so elegant and liveable.
    Good wishes from Ray

    1. Hello Ray! The pattern and colours of the rug seem to go well with most of my miniatures. I suppose subconciously I have been chosing colours which are in the same range for many years now. At least I am consistent in my choices! ;-)

  16. What beautiful and amazing photos! I love the detail of the tea caddy, you always have awesome details.

    1. Yes isn't the tea caddy gorgeous? Keith has some beautiful pieces to chose from!

  17. Hello
    Oh it is so breathtakingly beautiful. Fine rugs beautiful furniture, so great photos.


  18. Gelukkig!!! Alles zit weer in elkaar.
    Ik was even bang dat de prachtige vloer mss beschadigd zou zijn door je sloop werkzaamheden.

    Wat heb je toch fantastisch mooie miniaturen.
    Ik kijk mijn ogen uit op de foto's, al dat naaigerij en die schattige Bobbinholder.
    Je haardscherm is ook prachtig.
    Wat een sfeertje.
    Het kleed staat schitterend in je blauwe kamer.

    Ik heb een vraagje aan je.
    Hoe maak je nu precies een spiegel oud? Ik heb geen idee, ik hoorde wasbenziene.
    Kun jij mij mss een tip geven.

    Groetjes, Alexandra.

    1. Dank je Alexandra! Het naaigerei is iets dat ik al een tijdje verzamel. Ieder jaar koop ik wel een paar mooi gedraaide klosjes of andere kleine naai attributen.

      Het oudmaken van de spiegels heb ik gedaan met goudwas (Treasure Gold) en zwarte acrylverf. Omdat de spiegel zelf ook van acryl is kan het snel krassen dus daar moet je wel voorzichtig mee zijn.

      Ik doe een kloddertje goudwas op een doekje en wrijf dat langs de randen van de spiegel, lekker veel. Daarna ga ik er met zwarte acrylverf overheen. Als dat een beetje droog is wrijf ik met een schone doek net zo lang (soms weer een beetje verf toevoegen) to het resultaat naar mijn zin is. Je moet een beetje oefenen maar ik vind het resultaat mooi!

      Wasbenzine zou ik niet weten. Misschien met echte spiegels, dat je dan aan de achterkant wat van het spiegelfolie weghaalt? Gewoon proberen!

  19. The room is fabulous. I like the rug and furniture.
    Bye Faby

  20. Your work is always fascinating, and then ... if I see a tea caddy, I fall in love :-)
    Mini hugs

    1. I am like you Flora, I cannot resist a tea caddy, I love them!

  21. Qué habitación más bonita, me encanta, es muy elegante y señorial. El colorido es perfecto, no podía estar mejor decorada...¡ maravillosa ! Tu trabajo es perfecto. Besos

    1. Thank you Sionchi, that is sweet of you to say!

  22. Hi Josje! What beautiful pictures & your red chair is absolutely gorgeous! So many exquisite miniatures infact! x

    1. Thank you Helen! I try to combine bought pieces with thing I make myself, and the occasional gift!

  23. Just watched your video Josje, thanks for the info. As I mentioned, I really love your pink chair and sofa, did you recover bought furniture or did you make them from scratch?

    1. You're welcome Margaret. I made the furniture from scratch. I have to start on a few new pieces for the blue room I am working on now but I have been putting it off as they will be a lot of work!

  24. Where yoy find the fireplaces lights? I love your houses.-Heleena

    1. Hello Heleena, the lights are from Jim Coates, with a few additions by myself ;-)

  25. Ik zie dat je het probleempje van vorige keer van het te smalle laatste strookje behang ook hebt opgelost? Heel ingenieus! Het ziet er allemaal weer super gelikt uit!

    Het thee serviesje en caddy zijn echt prachtig. Van die echte 'kers-op-de-taart'details... om van te smullen!

    1. Dank je Anneke. Ja met wat knip- en plakwerk heb ik het probleempje kunnen wegwerken. Gelukkig!

  26. las fotos son perfectas y hermosas

  27. As a Mac user, I thank you. So many sites are difficult to navigate when they don't need to be!

    1. Your welcome Anna! I never knew there was a difference. Of course it is a problem that if you don't have a Mac, you can't see what it looks like on a Mac either ;-)

  28. There is no question why your blog is called "A Beautiful World", everything what you do is beautiful. I am glad I've found your blog and will be following it with pleasure and big interest. Your miniature world looks very realistic! Mini hugs, Natalia

    1. Nice to see you here Natalia, and thank you for the compliment. You make some beautiful work yourself!

  29. Het ziet er weer allemaal erg sjiek en realistish uit. Alles is zo mooi op elkaar afgestemd qua kleur en stijl. Ik heb weer genoten van je foto's.

  30. Hi Josje,
    I love the colors that you are using...the chair makes a lovely accent. Your aged mirror is particularly fine. Thank you for sharing.

    1. You're welcome Lucy and thank you for your kind comment!

  31. Imposible hacerlo mejor
    Te felicito nuevamente. Tienes un blog excelente

  32. This room is magical! Intimate and cozy. Totally realistic.I am a admirer! :)

    1. Thank you Anda! I think the red chair makes it look less formal.

  33. Hello Manoel, I did visit your blog, but found it very difficult to understand as you write in Portuguese. Translating poetry with Google doesn't work very well I'm afraid ;-) Good luck with your award!

  34. This looks absolutely stunning! can't take my eyes off it!
    I love the furniture, carpet, wallpaper - everything. Really glad I came across this blog


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