Tall and Small, Antique Dutch Silver Miniatures

This morning I found the December issue of Miniature Collector in my mailbox.  When I opened it my eye immediately fell on a small picture of a little kitchen, my kitchen!  Well, the one I made that is.   It is featured in the Miniature Collector Gallery.

If you are a  regular reader of my blog you may remember I made a 17th century kitchen roombox about two years ago (see here and here).  I made the roombox for Mr. Emiel Aardewerk, an antiques dealer who specializes in Dutch silver and miniature silver.

Earlier this year a beautiful book was published by A.Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier, an introduction to antique Dutch silver miniatures:  "Tall and Small, Antique Dutch Silver Miniatures".  More than five hundred and fifty miniatures of the highest quality are presented in this reference work, together with twenty-seven full-sized silver objects on which some of them were modelled.

The miniature kitchen I made is featured prominently in the book, displaying the finest antique silver miniatures from the Aardewerk collection.  Below are a few pictures I took from some of the pages in the book.

   'My' miniature kitchen.

 Stunning 18th century silver miniature kettles next to a full sized version.

 A beautifully laid table and information on dining etiquette.

Every home needs a hearth and these are for miniature home, in silver of course!

Specifics about the book:
Title : Tall and Small, Antique Dutch Silver Miniatures
Author: A. Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier
ISBN :    978-90-818671-0-8
Pages : 288 pages, hardback
303 x 242 mm, 576 colour illustrations
Price : Euro 40.00/USD 49.50 (+ shipping)
Language: English 
Publisher: A. Aardewerk Publishers
Available through www.aardewerk.com or www.amazon.com


  1. Prachtig!!
    En wat is je keuken mooi he?
    Hij is ook weer op "Pan"?
    Gefeliciteerd met zo'n mooie foto in het boek.
    Ik ga het boek zeker bestellen.

    Fijn week-end , Groetjes, Alexandra.

    1. Dank je Alexandra! Ne hij staat niet op de PAN dit jaar, hij heeft inmiddels een andere bestemming gekregen. Het boek is een prachtig naslagwerk voor miniatuur- en zilver liefhebbers! Groet, Josje


  3. How special to have your work featured in a beautiful book. I have a miniature silver Dutch violin player from the early 1900's that I bought at an antique fair and he will live somewhere in my dollhouse.

    1. One of the students in Jens Torp's class a few weeks ago brought the book to show him. It was very strange but rather fun experience to say to them 'look here, on this page, I made that kitchen!' ;-)))
      The type of miniature you have are described depth in a special section of the book. A miniature that special deserves a special place in your dollhouse. What a treasure to have!

  4. What a beautiful book. I bet you were thrilled seeing your gorgeous kitchen in it. Congratulations!!!

    I have an antique (sterling silver) Dutch table. The top opens and there is a scene inside it. I must remember to clean it and post a photo of it someday.

    1. Thank you Catherine, yes I was thrilled, (still am of course) but it is also a bit unreal. The biggest thrill was to see all of those beautiful and important silver antiques in there.

      Oh yes, please do post a photo of your table! It sound absolutely wonderful, with a scene inside it?! I would love to see it!

  5. Congratulations Josje, how exciting for you! The kitchen looks wonderful and the perfect background for all the silverware.
    Have a great weekend
    Simon x

  6. Felicidades por la publicación son unas piezas de museo, fantásticas:)

  7. I received my latest issue of Miniature Collector last week and so I had to grab it and have a closer look...your kitchen is a marvelous background for those incredible silver pieces! Very well done, Josje! Did you make it specifically to showcase the silver?


    1. Thank you John! Yes I did make it specifically to showcase the silver. There were a few pieces which had to go in there which more or less dictated the overall look and size of the roombox. For instance the very rare pothook which is hanging in the hearth (hardly visible in this photo) dictated the height of the fireplace. Other pieces, like the chairs, the knife grinder (hanging on the wall between fireplace and cabinet), match box (hanging on the side of the pump) and large colanders (inside the cabinet) also dictated size and layout of the roombox and cabinets. It was a great project to work on!

  8. Congratulations, Josje! You must be so pleased!

  9. Oh, how wonderful!!! Your kitchen is a masterpiece on its own. Congratulations! :D

  10. It's so beautiful! I have the MC and was certainly admiring your kitchen. I hadn't seen it before. Back when you posted originally I had just been freed from the shackles of dial-up and was just discovering blogs. I'm still playing catch up! Wonderful to be in that book, congratulations :)

    1. Thank you Linda! Ah yes, the days of dial-up internet...seems like ages ago but it has only been a few years. But isn't it wonderful to keep discovering new things on the net?!

  11. Congratulations, it must be something very special to have your kitchen shown in such a beautiful book. I also see, that it is very well deserved.

    1. Yes I feel quite privileged to have something I made be shown in such a beautiful book. Thank you Wyrna!

  12. Félicitations ! C'est une belle reconnaissance de votre travail.
    Merci, pour le partage de ces quelques pages photographiées.

  13. Leuk dat de keuken in een tijdschrift staat! complimenten.

  14. Hallo Josje,

    Ik herkende meteen de prachtig keuken die jij hebt gemaakt. Wat een schitterend boek. Sommige zilveren miniaturen herken ik van de tentoonstelling XXSmall zoals de gedekte tafel met zilver. Jammer dat het maar een tijdelijke tentoonstelling was want ik zou er graag vaker heen zijn gegaan.

    Fijne zondag en groeten Xandra

    1. Ja prachtige tentoonstelling was dat, ik heb ook zo genoten! Het keukentje was destijds te zien op de andere tentoonstelling in museum Bredius. Stom genoeg heb ik die tentoonstelling gemist! Maar het prachtige boek geeft een goede indruk van de tentoonstelling en alle zilveren miniaturen. Het is echt een prachtig naslagwerk over 17e en 18e eeuwse zilveren miniaturen

  15. Jouw keuken doet het zilver prachtig uitkomen en het is een prachtig boek. Heb ik het goed als ik denk dat al deze zilveren miniaturen uit oude poppenhuizen komen? Ik ga het zeker bestellen!

    1. Dank je wel Idske. Ja dat klopt! In de 17e en 18e eeuw was het verzamelen van zilveren miniaturen en het inrichten van een poppenhuis een populaire hobby onder de welgestelden. Vooral in Amsterdam was er enorm veel vraag naar zilveren miniaturen voor het poppenhuis en er waren meerdere zilversmeden die zich alleen maar bezighielden met het maken van deze miniaturen.

      Het tweede gedeelte van het boek gaat over 'figurines', zilveren figuurtjes die vaak een beroep of bezigheid uitbeelden. Deze figuurtjes werden ook volop verzameld maar werden niet in een poppenhuis geplaatst.

  16. Congratulations! A great reward for a talented artist.
    Bye Faby

  17. Don't misunderstand me, thinking i'm degrading your kitchen calling it a background. It's gorgeous. But I recall your kitchen very well and again it proves to be the perfect backdrop for these exquisite antique pieces. Cos sometimes the background is just as important when it comes to displaying miniatures, as the miniature itself. It does them so much justice! Thanks to you. Chapeau! for it is has been a big build

    1. Not at all! That was just what it was made for, to act as a backdrop to the silver miniatures. A kind of stage set ;-)

  18. Wow, what a fabulous kitchen. Thank you for the information...I've put the book on my Christmas wish list =0)

  19. It is lovely, like everything you make ! I saw the kitchen in MC , it is really lovely. Well done again Josje !

  20. What an incredible honour! Not only to be chosen to make the kitchen but to be in such a beautiful book!! A well deserved honour I must say, your work is alway perfection and you have complimented the silver pieces beautifully.

    That silver kettle is exquisite!!

    Congratulations Josje.

    ML fi xx

    1. I do feel very honoured by it all, thank you Fi!

      Yes isn't that kettle beautiful?! I have been able to see several of the miniature and full sized pieces up close at the Aardewerk showrooms in The Hague. Everything was so very beautiful!

  21. Wow! You must feel so proud to have been chosen to showcase such beautiful pieces. Well done you!!

    1. Thank you Janice! Well it is not so much pride I feel, more a feeling of wonderment and honour. Very nice though!

  22. Hello Josje, I have just received my miniature collector and I recognized your kitchen directly ;-)! It looks wonderful with all the outstanding silver pieces.Congrats to your publication in the book ,well deserved ! Hugs,Jeannette

  23. Congrats! This is fantastic! ;)

  24. Hello Josje,
    Congratulations on the article picture. that kitchen just takes my breath away. You have such an eye for composition and color. Also thank you for the great book referenece.
    Big hug,

    1. Thank you Giac! It is a beautiful book. What I like about it apart from the silver -obviously- is the background information given on the way these items, both full sized and miniature, were used in every day life in the 17th and 18th centuries. Very interesting!

  25. The silver in your kitchen is dazzling! No wonder you were chosen for the book!

    1. Thank you! I wish this was my silver, but the silver belongs to Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier. I just made the kitchen for displaying it.

  26. Gefeliciteerd! Fantastisch dat jouw keuken in een boek staat. Zo terecht!

  27. Wow. I've never seen such lovely miniatures!


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