One Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway

For the giveaway I made a 12th scale mahogany chest with upholstered lid. The chest has a white wash finish on the outside and a William Morris design paper finish on the inside. The chest comes with 4 small cushions.
All you have to do to enter my Blog Anniversary Giveaway draw is to leave a comment on this post and tell me what you’d like to see me make next and why. You can enter until March 13th. The draw will be made on Sunday, March 14th and then I'll announce the winner here. Have fun!

happy anniversary Josje.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see more flowers :-)
Happy Anniversary, Josje! Congrats! I would love to see a doll house for a doll house, so 1:144 scale. Your attention to detail is so fine, I am sure you could meet the challenge!
ReplyDeleteCongratuations on your anniversary. I would also like to see a dollhouse for a dollhouse. But more flowers would be great also.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I would love to see you make or reupholster a sofa or loveseat. Of course, flowers are also nice to see.
Oh wow this is great. I agree that a dollhouse would be great...i was thinking something for kids. Maybe a chair for them or something!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Congratulations with your blog-a-niversary, Josje!!
ReplyDeleteNow what I would like to see...
I know that you are also a 'reader' of Architect Design Blog, and like me, you are interested in Grisaille painting! As a matter of fact, you were doing research on it...
My hope is to see you use this, perhaps not just grisaille, but something like a traditional Zuber wallpaper, even with a little bit of colour. Something on a GRAND scale! Entrance hall, living room, Dining,... doesn't matter! With all the trimmings, bells and whistles included of course!
Here is to many more posts!
Gefeliciteerd met je 1-jarig jubileum.
ReplyDeleteHet eerste wat mij te binnen schiet is een orginele "meidenkast", die vind ik in 1:1 al leuk.
Groetjes Sylvia
ReplyDeleteHappy blog anniversary!
I would like to see you make a dollhouse or a room in 1:144 scale. Why you ask... Because I know it would be great!!!
The trunk you made is just wonderful. I love the dovtail joints you do on furniture. The pillows are perfect with the striped fabric.
What a fabulous giva-a-way, it looks wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteWhat to make next...this is a question that I too am pondering at the moment, but if you are like me you will have to make what comes from the heart, I do my best work that way!!
It's been a wonderful 12 months, I look forward to much much more!
Kindest Regards, Linda x
Thank you Josje for this chance of winning something made by you. I love the way you care for details hence I'd like to see more sewing boxes and little pieces of forniture, all the odds and ends which are scattered in a real house.Have a nice day Rosanna
ReplyDeleteBoy isn't the chest beautiful :) I'm growing more and more to William Morris, I think that I have to have some of his wallpaper.
ReplyDeleteAnd to what I would like to see you do is some Chinoisserie furniture, lets say that a bamboo chair. This because I love the delicatecy of Chinoisserie furniture and there's hardly none in the market in miniature scale.
And if we go a little bigger, an orangerie filled with plants and mix and match vintage furniture. This is because your work is so suberb and I would love to see how you build the structure of the orangerie and the over all result.
Have a nice week,
Thanks Josje for this opportunity to win something you made with passion and love...
ReplyDeleteI would love to see more porcelaine items hand-painted by you, because you are quite talented and I am sure the result will be fantastic!
Linda took the words right out of my mouth! I think you should make something (just a room box or shadow box maybe) that reflects a passion you have, or perhaps is an interpreation of a favourite 'inspiration' photo that I think we all collect. In that way, as Linda said, you will be creating from your heart.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for the chance to win that wonderful setting. It's a pity it's in mini not 1:1 because that is the colour palette of my upstairs bedroom in the NZ cottage.
Happy Anniversary and Congratulations !
ReplyDeleteIt is very kind of you to offer this beautiful chest as a giveaway.
Your blog is really superb. What could you do next ? That's a very good and difficult question. It all depends on your inspiration, I agree with Linda do something that comes from your heart. Anyway whatever you will do will be no doubt perfect.
Happy Blog Anniversary Josje. I'd like to see something for a garden, rustic table and chairs or a wheelbarrow and tools, bird houses or a trug to put cut flowers in ...x
ReplyDeleteJosje, congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary. I love the chest and I love your blog ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to see you make next is a sewing box of three layers on wheels (and legs). Why? Because I love thirties furniture and old/antique things. And your shaker sewing box was very nice so I know you can make a perfect job of it.
Liebe Josje,
ReplyDeleteherzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deinem 1-jährigen Geburtstag des Blogs.
Ich finde Deinen Blog wundervoll, da alles so echt aussieht und wunderschön dekoriert ist. Ich bin sehr oft auf Deiner Seite, um die Neuigkeiten gleich zu sehen.
Ich würde mir wünschen, mehr Puppen zu sehen, denn die bringen noch mehr Leben in Dein schönes Haus.
Der Opa braucht doch Gesellschaft, oder ??
Liebe Grüße Moni
Congratulations Josie!
ReplyDeleteI love all your works....maybe I would like to see some fornitures and sewing thing....because I would like make this kind of room at the second floor of my french house.
Hoi Josje,
ReplyDeleteWel heel erg: ik volg al heel lang je vorderingen op je andere website, maar wist helemaal niet dat je deze had, tot ik je post zag op het poppenhuiskladblog vandaag! Wilde eerst uit gewoonte meteen in het engels overgaan, maar bedacht toen dat het gewoon in het hollands kon :-)
Op je vraag wat je volgende creatie zou moeten zijn: ik ben ontzettend benieuwd wat je van de binnentuin gaat maken waar de keuken op uitkijkt! Maar ik vind je stijl en creaties geweldig, dus wat het ook gaat worden, ik blijf het volgen!
Op het volgende jaar!
Groeten, Audrey
Your work is amazing !
ReplyDeleteI am happy to try my chances to win this gorgeous piece :)
And my idea would be a scene from Titanic, some stylish art deco with accesories...
All the best
Josje van harte gefeliciteerd met je jubileum en wat een geweldig scherm-met-bankje heb je gemaakt.
ReplyDeleteIk weet het antwoord op je vraag niet, want ik vind alles wat je maakt even mooi, dus wàt je ook maakt, het wordt altijd uit de kunst en perfect!
Succes, groetjes Jody.
Your work is always exceptional and I think any project that you undertake
ReplyDeletebe unique. I love to see some flowers or plants made by you.
A warm greeting from Spain, Sonia.
Happy Anniversary, Josje! I am so in awe of everything you make....let's see, what would I like you to make? Perhaps a Swedish-style chair? I also like the idea of a dollhouse for the dollhouse.
Happy Anniversary, Josje! Congrats! I would love to see a doll house for a doll house
Happy Anniversary Josje!What a lovely chest!
ReplyDeleteWhat to do next?...It's a difficult question! I love every little thing you do and also love the suprise factor. I only want that you continue to amaze me with your beautiful, charming and original work.
Congratulations once again
Hoi Josje,
ReplyDeletedit jubileum is een meer dan goede reden weer eens te kijken wat je hier zoal hebt staan. Het wordt alsmaar mooier wat je maakt! Complimenten.
Ik hoop je nog vele jaren op dit blog te mogen volgen.
groetjes, Mincka
Hello Josje!
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary! It´s an absolutely wonderful gift, I would love to win! You make such beautiful things and I always like to see all kinds of work from I don´t think I can tell you what to make..let the inspiration grab you ;-)
Hello Josje
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the anniversary! Everything
you do is perfect, and I am sure you already
have something in mind, but I really liked
the dolls in your KLM roombox - so I vote
for more dolls!
Eva J
Happy first anniversary!
ReplyDeleteI think I would choose hand-painted porcelain or maybe wooden toys, old looking or traditional!
Thank you for the inspiration your blog provides. :)
Hallo Josje,
ReplyDeleteThere is a award for you, look at minimumm, 1.March
I like your blog very much.
Gefeliciteerd met 1 jarig blog.
ReplyDeleteMisschien is de secreataire voldaan tafelpoten. van een telefoonbank (met gebogen rugzittig van ueen Anne).
Ik weet DAT zal je hem mooi maken met frezen en stoffeerden.
Leuke kist met kussens.
Groetjes Lisette
Hoi Josje,gefeliciteerd alweer een jaar!
ReplyDeleteAlles wat je maakt is zo precies en perfect gemaakt,of het nu een stoel is of een prachtige bloem...het maakt niet uit,alles is mooi!
Dus mij maakt het niet uit wat ik je zou willen zien maken,het is altijd leuk om te zien waar je zoal mee bezig bent!
p.s. ik heb ook een giveaway op mijn blog,eigenlijk 2 en één kan je winnen door mijn 250 ste volger te worden! Weet je zeker dat je onder de followers staat?
hallo Josje
nou eigenlijk vind ik alles mooi wat je maakt,maar ik zou graag een wereldbol zien.
groetjes Marja
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary, Josje! I love your blog and all the projects that you feature so much. I agree with everyone that suggested a 1/144th scale project. Perhaps a scaled down copy of an antique cabinet house like this one?
ReplyDeleteHappy blog anniversary. I would love to see a garden bench, rustic. A place where to spend summer evenings with a lemonade.
Hi Josje
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary,I just love your blog also hope your bunny is behaving himself now.
I would like to see a "round" music stool.
Everyone makes them rectangular and a Georgian one should be round.
Happy one year anniversary!
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are my favourites - I'd like to see a bunch of wild flowers.
With very best wishes,
Happy anniversary! I wish you many more happy hours of postings. I'd love to see something typically or traditionally dutch.
ReplyDeleteJosje, van harte met het eenjarig bestaan van dit weblog! Leuk deze Give-a-way!
ReplyDeleteEn wat een leuke vraag! Het eerste wat in me opkwam was dat alles wat jij maakt altijd ontzettend mooi is; het past mooi bij elkaar en je streeft naar een perfecte afwerking.
En misschien ligt juist daarin wel een uitdaging voor je.
En al lopende door “de Singel” schoot het me ineens te binnen en ja, dat is wat ik graag door jou gemaakt zou willen zien;
Een grote leren fauteuil, (uit de erfenis van tante Agaath?), in donker groen of bruin of nee misschien toch wel donker rood. Daarin heb je zelf uiteraard al wat kussens van het merk “Josje” gelegd en ach, deze fauteuil is door jarenlang gebruik alleen maar mooier geworden maar heeft dus wat sporen van gebruik … Maar niets daarvan doet af aan de allure en het blijft een fauteuil met karakter. Het past dus perfect in “de Singel” …!
Het is tijd om weer op te stappen.
Groetjes van Monique en bedankt voor deze dagdroom!
This is a beautiful chest!!Happy anniversary then, and what about some local/national food maybe?!
ReplyDeleteHallo Josje,
ReplyDeleteGefeliciteerd met je eerste jubileum. Ik hoop dat er nog veel volgen. Iedere keer als ik op je site kijk is het weer vreselijk genieten. Wat maak je toch een prachtige dingen. Als beginneling moet ik nog een hoop leren maar vind het de leukste hobby die er is. Ik zou een dressoir voor in mijn Franse poppenhuis erg leuk vinden om een mooi servies op te zetten. Veel plezier nog met je site`s en hobby. Groetjes Monique
ReplyDeleteI´d like to see some instrument, a violin for excample :) I really like your blog and everything you make!
Happy first blog anniversary, Josje!!
ReplyDeleteI love specially kitchens, so it may be some old furniture for this room, or some hand-painted porcelaine items too... with your wonderful touch.
Thanks for the chance to win this great chest.
Congratulations on the one year anniversary Josje! Your work is amazing and the give away chest and pillows so wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI second all the suggestions of a 1:144 scale house, and I also love the art nouveau style, which you do so well, so perhaps a little café in the art nouveau style?
Best wishes for your second year of blogging!
Happy Blog Anniversary Josje!
ReplyDeleteI just love that william Morris Chest, Blue is my favourita coulor.
It seems so realistic everything you made i the pictures.
I would love if you can make something to the garden , as flowers and outdoor decoratiosn.
What all beautiful!
ReplyDeleteFor children all well and dollhouse. :) And for craftswomen who make toys any good to have a miniature accessory. :) Be creative with joy and bring joy craftswomen and lovers of miniatures. :)))
Your created miniatures are fantastic!!! Please, count me in your wonderful giveaway!
Best regards from Lithuania
Happy blog anniversary!I would love to see a doll house for a doll house and flowers are also nice to see))
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Russia,
Josje, happy anniversary, my dear :).
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourite Josje Creations must be the air plane room box you made out of that food canister from the plane. Your furniture etc are amazing but I really love the various dolls you made for that scene.
Perhaps your next project can be about another phase of your life? Your studio in the university you are teaching at maybe? With your art materials and eager students :). I think I will love to see that.
What a fabulous giva-a-way, it looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteNext time I would like to see a doll bathroom :)
I'd love to see a piano made .
ReplyDeleteYour work is beautiful !!!
I have just started making minatures . I'm looking forward to seeing more of what you do .
Josie, I have been following your blog since you were a student at Guild School and I had to use Babel Fish to give me some kind of translation... you sort of go into the 'zone' and intuit most of what is going on as the actual language in the translation is somewhat odd. It is so much easier to follow now that you are doing it in English and is a continuing delight. Thank you for sharing the journey and art of your miniature passion. The atmosphere you create with your photography brings real life to the amazing miniature creations... I look forward to many more years of sharing your journey.
Congratulations on you blog anniversary! You can look back and be so very proud of yourself!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautifull gift you made! I love the construction of it, so delicate! And I love the whitewash effect.
Maybe you could make a klein "binnen hofje", a little garden scene to go with your grachtenpand? Because I love the way you make flowers, so delicate and detailed, and you have such an eye for detail and you do magic with wood! This hofje could be filled with details of flowers and woodcrafted things, and perhaps a little shed! :D Or perhaps a garden room within your grachtenpand?
I'd also love to see the 1:144 house, because your woodworking is so detailed!
Or other small details that make a house a home, like little sewing boxes or a trunk or a suitcase filled with stuff. I'm sorry but my imagination runs wild :P You're just so skilled you can make anything look great!
I thought I had entered your blog giveaway but don't see my comment! Congrats on your year anniversary. I have got to host a giveaway soon as I have surpassed 200 followers!
ReplyDeleteSo many wonderful people who share a common interest.
Congratulations, your work is wonderful! I have a thing for chairs, so maybe a small Windsor chair? Thank you for the opportunity.
Van harte gefeliciteerd Josje, ik volg je blog altijd met veel belangstelling en er valt altijd iets van je te leren, dus het maakt mij niet uit.
ReplyDeletehallo Josje,
ReplyDeletegefeliciteerd met je jubileum, alweer een jaar dit blog. Ik volg beide blogs van je, maar meer de Nederlandse. Je maakt prachtige dingen en ik geniet er elke keer weer van, ook je swaps die ontvangt van mini vrienden zijn prachtig.
en ja wat kun je nog meer gaan maken voor je poppenhuis. Ik zou het leuk vinden als je bewoners gaat maken voor je huis, het zou leuk zijn als bijvoorbeeld iemand in je mooie keuken aan het aanrecht kan staan want ik denk dat je huis daar vast nog meer van gaat leven.
Groetjes Natascha
Hallo Josje,
ReplyDeleteWat een mooi weggeef cadeautje heb je gemaakt. Ik had al op het kladblog gereageerd maar nog niet hier.
Nu ik de workshop gezien heb van het printen op stof ga ik helemaal voor iets gemaakt met de boorstandaard of cirkelzaag. Misschien een nieuwe workshop?
Groetjes, Roelie
Congratulations on your anniversary.Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy!
ReplyDeletesorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
public tomorrow the post on
Wow, I just discovered your blog and your work is AMAZING! I am going to add the link for your blog to the INSPIRATIONS links on my blog, Create With Joy. I will, of course, also add your candy to my sidebar! Please come visit me when you can - I'd love to get to know you better, and I'd love to invite you to join my community of Kindred Spirits!
Ramona :-)
P.S. Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the chance to win such awesome candy! I would love to see you make a gazebo!
Hoi Josje,
ReplyDeleteGefeliciteerd met je 1 jarig jubileum!
Ontzettend leuk dat je ons gaat vragen wat wij gemaakt willen zien!
Een hele klus om iets te bedenken want ja je hebt al zoveel mooie dinge gemaakt.
Maar uiteindelijk kwam ik op het volgende:
een mooie Teacaddy...helemaal leuk als daar de zilveren theebussen van Jens of Mike in passen!
Dus ja dat zou ik graag zien enne mocht je er weer een workshop van maken, noteer m'n naam maar vast hoor!
Zometeen ga ik lezen wat de anderen graag door jou gemaakt willen zien, ik ben erg benieuwd.
En ga vooral zo door....het blijft een feest om je vorderingen te lezen/zien.
Happy blog anniversary!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower and I posted your candy on my blog:
Hugs from Italy
Happy anniversary Josie! that beautiful work you do! the video of the tutorial I put as a favorite, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI would like to join your give away .. I can?
I copy the photo and put it in my blog with a link to your blog
kisses from Italy
sorry, I forgot ... since we are close to Holy Week, I want you to do a basket with eggs for Easter, I'm sure it would be a spectacle, a small treasure to be admired ... thanks!
congrats for your anniversary and wishes for future! I'd like you make a bed because i love to sleep!!! ; ) i'll tell about you in my blog. sorry form my bad english, i'm italian!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your aniversary.Hugs,Matilde.
ReplyDeleteFelicidades por su aniversario, realmente me gusta de sus muebles, pero una casa 1 / 44 sería lo ideal.
ReplyDeleteun abrazo Carmen
My congratulations for your first anniversary.
ReplyDeleteYour works are outstanding!!!
I'll add one thing I would like to see done is a Venetian gondola :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your first anniversary!!
Your work are amazing!!
I'm looking see more of what you do!!
Oh my goodness! 70 comments and 70 suggestions! How will you ever decide? I would love to own the little chest you made. I always enjoy seeing what magic you are up to and I'd like for you to continue to do whatever makes you glad. I hope one of the many ideas here gives you inspiration. Happy Anniversary!
Josje, congratulations for your Blog 1 year annyversary,You are so perfect in detail that I would like to see a miniature dollshouse to be included in one of your projects, or if your like grisaille why don´t you decorate a Room Box in the "Print Room" Technique? In this field I could help you.
congratulations to your amazing blog!!!! I agree, blogger is great in bringing people together interested in the same thing from all over the world. So much fun!
Hi Josje,
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! I love your work and would really like to see you build a miniature carousel
Hello Josje,
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had a reminder. Big congratulations on your anniversary. Your work is so beautiful. I would like to see you make a baby crib in shabby french chic style.Love reading your blog. Jain xx
Hello. Just found your blog and like it very much. Hope it's ok for me too leave a comment too, and by the way, happy anniversary. I would like you to make a cupboard to fit into a corner (I don't know the name in english). Lene
ReplyDeleteHallo Josje
ReplyDeleteVan Harte Gefeliciteerd met het 1 jarig bestaat van je blog.
Schrijf ik dit nou goed, want je weet ik heb geen verstand van computertaal.
Ik volg je al veel langer en alles wat je maakt is mooi,maar vooral heel duidelijk. Zeker met zo'n filmpjes.
Misschien kun je deze manier ook je vorderingen laten zien van het kantklossen.
Dat ga ik dan zeker ook proberen.
Veel groetjes, Dimphie
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary!
Is there anything you haven't made yet? Everything you make is just perfect!
Congratulations on your one-year anniversary! You do such wonderful wood working with amazing detail, I would love to see you do some Craftsman or Mission style furniture!
ReplyDelete- Grace